Обслуживание клиентов: +34 664 642 904 Antique market Thursday seville


Antique market Thursday seville | 13 ABR

| Сообщение от: Yaël | Комментарии | Поделиться на:

Do you love shopping? are you an antique dealer? Treasure hunter? or do you just like to browse between stalls that offer a lot of different second-hand products? Well, if so, you can't miss the famous Thursday market in Seville. It is one of the oldest markets in the city, as its origins date back to the 13th century, the time of the Reconquest, when Seville was conquered by King Ferdinand III.

However, the market has changed a lot from its beginnings until today, since at the beginning all kinds of items were sold, while today it is based on the sale of antiques and second-hand objects, many of them are recycled and come from containers. As its name says, this open-air market is held every Thursday, except Holy Thursday, from 7:00 to 15:00. It is located in Old Town District, more precisely on Feria street, and also extends to the squares of Mount Sion and the Maldonados.

The market has more than 100 stalls that offer a lot of merchandise, antiques, clothes, toys, bicycles, books, furniture and accessories.

Here you will be able to find real bargains on second-hand products, thanks to its affordable prices within reach of all pockets. You can't miss this opportunity, because you never know what surprises you may discover in this place where there is room for both the absurd and the great treasures.

Here you will be able to find real bargains on second-hand products, thanks to its affordable prices within reach of all pockets. You can't miss this opportunity, because you never know what surprises you may discover in this place where there is room for both the absurd and the great treasures.